What is BMX

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What is BMX?  If you like to ride a bike, you’ll probably love BMX!

But, what is BMX?  BMX is a sport full of adrenaline, big jumps and massive speed.  BMX races are held on single-lap race tracks and has been an Olympic sport since 2008.  The tracks are groomed, serpentine-style dirt tracks made of various jumps and rollers.  There are over 300 BMX tracks located around the country you can go here  to find one near you.

what is bmx
Photo Credit: JPennucci Photography | www.BMXActionPhotography.com

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What is BMX

BMX, otherwise known as bicycle motocross, originated in the USA in the early 1970’s in southern California and since then has grown tremendously as a competitive and freestyle sport for boys and girls to enjoy.

There are two types of BMX riding that come to mind.  BMX racing and BMX freestyle.  BMX racing is where rider race around a dirt track going over rollers, around turns and across obstacles.  BMX freestyle involves tricks, aggressive street riding and trick riding at skateparks.  BMX-Insider is dedicated to the sport of BMX racing.  For more information about BMX freestyle check out this site.

Today, BMX is a family oriented sport.  You’ll find racers as young as three years old riding balance bikes around the track.  You’ll also see a number of family riders – fathers and sons, mothers and daughters.

What is BMX

BMX racing is regulated by USA BMX.  All official BMX tracks are managed under USA BMX and riders are required to have an annual membership.  But, if you just want to try the sport out, USA BMX offers a free one-day trial membership.  You can ask your local track operator for more details.

The BMX season usually runs from January 1st to December 15th, depending on your local climate.  Due to weather, some tracks may close during winter months.  It’s always best to check with your local track before visiting.

To get started all you need is your bike, long pants, long sleeves, and an approved bicycle helmet. Of, course you’ll need a bike too.  However, if you don’t have a bike or helmet but still want to give BMX a try, contact your local track – they may have one you can borrow.  You can get gear recommendations here.

What is a BMX Bike

BMX bikes are based on two categories, the wheel size and the wheel diameter. BMX bikes aren’t built like normal bikes; they are built to give the rider the best outcome in their race.

The bikes are typically made out of aluminum frames to make the bike lighter. BMX bikes feature high-rise handlebars and low seats. By law, BMX bikes are sold with two brakes, but racers usually remove the front one. This is, because when racing, racers don’t typically need to use so the front brake is removed to make the bike lighter.

What is BMX

How BMX Races Work

Typically all age groups and classification levels of boys and girl riders use the 20-inch wheels for their bikes.

USA BMX uses four criteria to determine a riders’ classification for a competition. The four categories are age, gender, proficiency and wheel size. Everyone begins as a Novice (or Beginner) and once a rider wins 10 races, boys move up to the Intermediate class, while girls move up to the Girl class.

The Girl class is the highest level of proficiency for amateur girls. Boys in the Intermediate class can move to the Expert class once they win 20 races, which is the highest level of proficiency for boys.   You can learn more about the classification system here.

What is BMX

There are strategies to winning a BMX race and it takes practice and dedication to get to that winning position. The smartest thing any BMX rider can do is to sign up for as many BMX clinics and camps that are available.  And, practice, practice, practice.

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